Saturday, September 29, 2007

WARNING to those who wants to go to HELP !


what can i say about it??

firstly, the Ground Floor.. the entrance to Wisma Help which somehow smells like toilet despite the presence of one.. is just sick.. especially if you have just eaten.. LOL!

Next, the Library! its rather pathetic.. less than half a floor.. with outdated books and hardly enough tables and chairs for the students... despite the poor condition.. and the inability to purchase newer books.. the library is .. umm.. lets just say that.. you'll be transported back into your childhood days when library cards were essential.. however.. in HELP, you dont even get plastic library cards.. you get 3 pink manila card thingies which are too big to fit into your wallet.. you have to apply to get the manila card thingies.. and it takes one whole day to process because it has to be verified by the HEAD first.. o.0 not like there is anything worth that much in the library.. the LAW BOOKS are OUTDATED.. so.. its pretty much useless.. ( i didnt bother applying for them )

the strange thing is that you cant use your student card to apply for the library pockets as they so proudly call it.. you have you use your uni fee receipt to apply for the pink thing.. then what in the world is the student card for??? sheesh..

lol.. i know what its for.. its for showing who we really are... orange skinned people from some orange planet.. (ask to see my student card.. and you'll understand)

the computer lab in Wisma Help.. is a tiny tiny room.. with really old computers.. the library in Taylors College Subang Jaya (TCSJ) has more computers in its library than HELP has in its lab!

in order to use the computers, once again.. you cant use your student card.. you have to activate it first at the main block.. and you have to pay like.. i cant remember how much a month in order to use the computers..

and the parking is a nightmare.. you'll need to purchase these booklets of coupons in which you can park in the car park for 3 bucks a day.. its always sold out.. and you'll have to go around begging for some kind soul to sell you some when you run out of it.. because.. you'll probably go broke if you don't have them.. its probably like 3 bucks for the first 2 hours then.. 1.5 bucks every subsequent hour or something like that..

well.. it'll be nice if they can at least tell you when they will have the stock for the coupons.. but they cant .. because they dont know themselves.. so.. you'll have to go everyday to check in the Bursary to see if the annoying white paper which tells you that the parking coupon is sold out is there or not.. if its not there... BUY AS MUCH AS YOU CAN!!

the photostat shop nearby Wisma Help.. " The Illegal Shop".. as we call it.. is hidden in a little corner.. well.. its not really a shop.. but more of.. a space... in between a locked door containing some chemical thingy.. and the gray metal sliding up and down door thingies on shops

there is a warning sign if you look in.. something which tells you put on proper safety breathing gear when you enter the premises... lol..
i had a terrible headache the last time i was there.. it was very hard to breathe and i felt like puking while waiting for the woman to get my photostatting done..

my first week there was sad... really sad... the condition of the place.. the lack of healthy food.. the massive traffic in the mornings.. some of us really wanted to run back to TCSJ!! or Inti Nilai.. LOL!

However,.. im getting used to it now.. im used to the toilet smelling ground floor.. the annoying bus rides from the main campus to Wisma Help, the tiny table and chair thingies which reminds you of a baby chair, during tutorials.. and the frequent consumption of mamak at Ali Maju...........

Maybe.. just maybe ..with time.. i may learn to like this dumpy place...