Saturday, August 25, 2007


PEOPLE get addicted to drugs, caffeine, chocolate or cigarettes..

but the moment i signed up on i knew that i had found my addiction...

this strong memorising effect has captured me and had managed to lure me into its sticky web.. in which lies many already trapped souls which would now be joined by one more... mine...

this strong spell which had me so entangled in its existence had managed to break me free from my previous addiction of Ragnarok Online.. i don't know how this tiny website works exactly but.. its powers are exceedingly strong.. i am so afraid of it.. afraid that it will suck up all of my soul leaving me with but an empty shell... wandering around the world... with a blank expression plastered on my face.. like the many zombies u see in those old classic horror films...

honestly.. i have no idea why i am writing about my addiction.. maybe its because .. people have to know.. they have to.. you have to.. because.. if anything happens to me.. if you suddenly see me spread.. my limbs in weird angles.. in a pool of my own crimson blood.. on the newly laid brick floor in front of Taylors College Subang Jaya.. you will know why...

[ picture removed for being too gruesome]

at least my death can be explained... you can explain it for me... for i will leave no note and perhaps it may be spontaneous.. a sudden urge to take my own life..

so help me...

and help yourself.. listen to me when i warn you now... do not register into facebook .. or.. you'll end up with a fate as hideous like mine..

* disclaimer: any familiar websites written on this post is merely a strange coincidence that cannot be explained by science.. i hold no responsibility whatsoever to any effects this post may or may not cause to anyone living or dead. *

Thursday, August 16, 2007

its been awhile since anything worth writing has happened in my life... not like there is anything exciting happening now or anything...

i was gonna rant and be a little emo about my A2 results which had just chosen the perfect time to come and ruin whats left of my holidays.. but i am gonna spare anyone who cares enough to read my blog the gruesome and tiresome details...
though i do hope that somehow this could happen... but if only the information could actually stick in my brain instead of killing me... lolz

then i also wanted to write about my overall boring and meaningless holiday that seem to last forever.. with every minute crawling slower inch by inch like a semi-paralysed snail... but right now.. when im just getting used to the holiday thingy... its ending soon... and i was just getting used to staying up late to the wee hours of the mornings, indulged in my all time favourite game.. Ragnarok Online with the Baby of PL1.. Su Cheng... hee hee...
without her.. my " few a.m s' " would be dull and meaningless...

oh well.. life is dull now..
i hope that some excitement will come along before i actually rott...

Saturday, August 4, 2007


INSTRUCTION :Bold the statements that are true to you.

Italize the statements that you WISH are true.
Leave the fibs alone.

Then, stab 5 people to do the same test.

1) I miss somebody right now.
2) I do not watch tv these days.
3) I wear glasses or contact lenses.
4) I love to play video games.
5) I have tried marijuana.
6) I have been in a threesome.
7) I believe honesty is usually the best policy.
8) I have changed mentally over the last year.
9) I curse. hehehe....recently! =p
10) I am totally smart.
11) I've broken someone's bones.
12) I am paranoid sometimes.
13) I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
14) I need money right now.
15) I love sushi.
16) I talk really, really fast.
17) I have long hair.
18) I have lost money in Las Vegas.
19) I have at least one sibling.
20) I have worn fake hair/fingernails/eyelashes in the past. Fake Eyelashes for Prom!! =p
21) I couldnt survive without Caller ID.
22) I like the way I look.
23) I am usually pessimistic.
24) I have a lot of mood swings.
25) I have a hidden talent.
26) I am always hyper.
27) I have a lot of friends.
28) I have pecked someone of the same sex.
29) I enjoy talking on the phone.
30) I practically live in sweatpants or PJ pants.
31) I love to shop.
32) Enjoy window shopping.
33) I would rather shop than eat.
34) I dont hate anyone. at times, i wish i do.
35) I am a pretty good dancer.
36) I am completely embarrassed to be seen with my mother.
37) I have a cell phone.
38) I believe in God.
39) I am an adrenaline junkie.
40) I watch MTV on a daily basis.
41) I have passed out drunk in the past 6 months.
42) I have rejected someone before.
43) I want to have children in the future.
44) I have changed a diaper before.
45) I have called the cops on a friend before.
46) I am not allergic to anything.
47) I have a lot to learn.
48) I am shy around members with the opposite sexs.
49) I have made a move on a friend, significant other or crush in the past.
50) I have tried alcohol before.
51) I own the South Park movie.
52) I would die for my best friend.
53) I think that Pizza Hut has the best pizza.
54) I have used my sexuality to advance my career.
55) I love Michael Jackson, scandals and all.
56) Halloween is awesome because you get free candy.
57) I watch Spongebob Squarepants and I like it.
58) I am happy at this moment!
59) I Ãm obsessed with girls/guys.
60) I tie my shoelaces differently from anyone I've ever met.
61) I study for tests most of the time.
62) I am comfortable with who I am right now.
63) I have more than just my ears pierced.
64) I walk barefoot wherever I can.
65) I have jumped off a bridge.
66) I love sea turtles.
67) I spend ridiculous money on makeup.
68) Plan on achieving a major goal dream.
69) I am proficient in a musical instrument.
70) I hate office jobs.
71) I love sci-fi movies.
72) I think water rules.
73) I went college out of state.
74) I like sausages.
75) I love kisses.
76) I fall for the worst people.
77) I adore bright colours.
78) I cant live without black eyeliner.
79) I am afraid to pick up random objects on the road because they might be cursed.
80) I usually like covers better than originals.
81) I can pick up things with my toes.
82) I can whistle.
83) I can move my tongue in waves, much like a snakes slither.
84) I have ridden/owned a horse.
85) I still have every journal I've written in.
86) I can stick to a diet.

87) I talk in my sleep.
88) I try to forget things by drowning them out with loads of distractions.
89) I have jazz in my blood.
90) Climbing trees is a brilliant past-time.
91) I wear a toe ring.
92) I can't stand at LEAST one person that I work with.
93) I am a caffeine junkie.
94) I cosplay or know what cosplaying is.
95) I have been to over 15 conventions.
96) I will collect anything, and the more nonsensical the better.
97) I am an artist.
98) I only clean my room when necessary.
99) I like a person of the same sex.
100) I love being happy.

Okay...the FIVE people i tag are....

1. Benjamin sim
2. pei lin
3. su cheng
4. haow kang
5. sieu theng

Friday, August 3, 2007

My Pet Page

got bored during the holidays.. and so.. decided to take pictures of my pets that i have...


my first dog that i own which is still alive.. she is a mongrel like SzeYin.. (dun kill me!)
she used to live in the forest on top of the hill where my house is.. and we just picked her up and brought her home... lol..

we had so many dogs before this (don't ask me what happened to the previous ones.. ) we kinda gave up naming our dogs properly... well.. she was a puppy when we got her.. and so.. we named her Puppy... >.<

after awhile.. we bought a miniture schnauzer to cure my sister's depression at that time.. so.. he belongs to her...he was about the size of my pencil box when we first got him.. but then.. he just became fat...

we are too lazy to groom him.. so his fur is longer than it is supposed to be..
he is supposed to look like this..

we were nuts about Full Metal Alchemist the anime at that time.. and so.. we decided to name him after one of the characters in that anime.. Edward Elric.. lolz... i just call him Edo-kun..


ahem.. i told you about the lack of more imaginative names for my dogs.. ahem... the next dog is BoyBoy.. cause.. can you guess... he is a boy dog.. hahaha...

we didn't buy or pick him up or anything.. Puppy got raped.. sniff.. twice.. by entirely different dogs... don't ask me how.. i have no idea... and so.. she got pregnant.. and gave birth to three puppies.. 2 female and 1 male.. we gave away the other 2 and decided to keep one...i dont know why i dont have any pictures of them when they were young... but here is BoyBoy now.. all grown up..


after that... i got myself a hamster... its a Pearl White Dwarf... i named her Gumdrop cause her eyes looked to me like gumdrops... but in the end.. i just call her nezumi-chan

apart from that, i also have fishes and tortoises.... well.. we didn't name any of them.... though i think that my maids have named the tortoises...

i used to have 9 Indian Stars.. but.. dunno what happened.. they died one by one.. now.. only 4 left... T.T


i also have a cat.. it was as easy as pie to name her.. i firstly saw her outside my Vocal Lession Place and she looked really tiny and cute... and i told her.. " if you're still here when i come back, i'll take you home with me.." well.. she was there after the lesson.. and i took her home.. hahaha

i couldn't get a nicer pic of her.. cause she's very.. scary and bitchy.. she'll scratch you and bite you.. because she thinks that she is only playing.. she kinda thinks that she's a dog too... she always fights with my schauzer and wins most of the time.. and she wants to eat my hamster and my newest dog...

finally.. the newest addition to the family..


this is a recent picture.. she is about 6 months old now...she is really really tiny...

about 9-10 inches in length..

we had a tough time trying to name her.. Clinton came up with names like Tofu or Ganmo or something... and i came up with Socks and Mouse ( because she looks like one).. we finally decided on Socks.. but in the end.. we just call her Baby..

she is supposed to be a Pomeranian.. but she doesn't look like one.. dunno why.. maybe we got cheated... hahahahaha...
because.. she is supposed to look like this..

i wonder what happened to all her fur... >.<

Oh! i used to have birds too... but they flew away... hahaha...