but the moment i signed up on http://www.facebook.com/ i knew that i had found my addiction...
this strong memorising effect has captured me and had managed to lure me into its sticky web.. in which lies many already trapped souls which would now be joined by one more... mine...
this strong spell which had me so entangled in its existence had managed to break me free from my previous addiction of Ragnarok Online.. i don't know how this tiny website works exactly but.. its powers are exceedingly strong.. i am so afraid of it.. afraid that it will suck up all of my soul leaving me with but an empty shell... wandering around the world... with a blank expression plastered on my face.. like the many zombies u see in those old classic horror films...
honestly.. i have no idea why i am writing about my addiction.. maybe its because .. people have to know.. they have to.. you have to.. because.. if anything happens to me.. if you suddenly see me spread.. my limbs in weird angles.. in a pool of my own crimson blood.. on the newly laid brick floor in front of Taylors College Subang Jaya.. you will know why...
[ picture removed for being too gruesome]
at least my death can be explained... you can explain it for me... for i will leave no note and perhaps it may be spontaneous.. a sudden urge to take my own life..
so help me...
and help yourself.. listen to me when i warn you now... do not register into facebook .. or.. you'll end up with a fate as hideous like mine..
* disclaimer: any familiar websites written on this post is merely a strange coincidence that cannot be explained by science.. i hold no responsibility whatsoever to any effects this post may or may not cause to anyone living or dead. *
yer.... ur taking the vampirism thing on facebook too seriously la.... those who add that application turn into weirdos... delete it ASAP i very scares
facebook rocks
dunno what was going through my mind when i wrote that..
i was in " the moment"
go compete with shu shen la. stalkers and facebook addicts.
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