it was magical...
the official price for the normal book is RM 109.90... and some idiots like Tesco and Carrefour are selling it for RM 69.90 only.....

i only got a free T-Shirt from pre-booking HP7 from POPULAR BOOK STORE..
my shirt from Popular is soooo huge.. i can only drown in it !!!

but Mrs Weasley was way cool in the ending when she was dueling with Belatrix Lestrange.. she called her BITCH ! WHOA!!! never knew she had it in her!!
and poor Hermione.. she's risking everything... to help Harry fight Voldemort.. including her parents.... she was willing to modify her parents memory into thinking that their biggest life long dream is to move to Australia and that they never had a daughter... she did this to protect them.... so sweet and so sad....
!! Lupin and Tonks died together.... that's so sad too... now Teddy Remus Lupin's an orphan...
( i don't really care much about Tonks.. ) oh yea.. Mad-Eye Moody.. who would have thought that he was going to die so soon....
Snape loved Lily till the day he died...

so kesian... sniff sniff... he loved Lily so much.... ever sine they were kids.. he was peaking and spying at Lily from behind a bush.. till Lily got married... and when he was about to die, he asked Harry to look at him.. so that he could see his eyes.. Lily's eyes...
oh.. i also didn't like that Draco Malfoy played such a mini role in this book... i thought that he would have played a bigger role.. but he had been reduced to nothing but a coward, always hiding behind his mother's shadow....
sniff ... i like Draco.. and its not because of Tom Felton!
( but he is seriously cute though... ^^)
But i really liked Kreacher for turning over a whole tree... he/ it was so sweet in the end.. leading the army of House Elves against Voldemort... but i kinda hoped that Dobby would be there too.. together.. the 2 HouseElves happily as friends when Kreacher apologizes to Dobby, and Dobby giving the other a pat on the back.. WHHY MUST DOBBBYY DDIIIEEE????? i liked Dobby... he was so sweet.. Dobby's the real Hero! he saved them all.... Harry should have known better than to speak Voldemort's name.. Ron told him that it was taboo!! HE CONTRIBUTED.. MORE LIKE CAUSED DOBBY'S DEATH !!
i didn't like the 19 years later part... its like she didn't care anymore...i can't explain... but the ending sucked...the names of the kids were.. so... predictable.. and the name ALBUS SEVERUS POTTER... sucks! >.<
i also didn't really like the part where they supposedly stayed at Grimmauld Place, i think.. for months... and nothing happened... it was such a waste of time... and i would think that Voldemort would keep his Horcruxes in better places which are much harder to get to .. like the cave, for example.....
Overall, i liked the book except for the ending... its still better than the 5th book to me though.. hahaha... c=
now, im tempted to re-read fom the first book onwards again....

i remember the times when we used to bring Harry Potter to school and tried to read it while the teachers were not looking... I remember Miss Doh scolding me for reading Harry Potter in class when i should be concentrating on my SPM... hahahahahaha... ^^
The Harry Potter series has ended.. and it feels as if a part of my childhood has ended as well...
i kinda grew up with Harry.. i think that most of us did as well... c=
wah the picture of harry in the first movie is so cute. he was so cute. now he just looks WRONG.
do not tempt me with ur spoilers u!!!
oh well.
hahahaha... harry has a nice body now.. but.. his head.... err.. spoils it.. hahahha
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