Wednesday, July 18, 2007

SOOO SIEN.... ^^

sooooo sien during the holidays.. so i decided to draw something...

i saw the flowers sitting in a corner of my room collecting dust and decided to just sketch a picture of it... i was talking to clinton on the phone when i drew it...
hahaha... c=

its the one he gave me during our first date which seemed like ages ago... though now the flowers are kinda dry and shrivelled up... and i think that it stinks a little too!! lolz...

after drawing it.. i decided to mail it to him in Miri since he sends letters back and everything...
( he is soooo sweet...) so.. i hope that he'll like it ...

Before: as fresh as can be.. and guess wat.. it smelllsss liiikkeee rrrooosseeesss!!!!!!!!!!!!

Died: has turned... black.... and it stinks.......

oh well...

Funeral: ........................................


HK said...

Let me be firsT!

You know, I remember the flowers being .. months ago. Eww.. Eww..

BenSima said...

In the words of Outkast
"roses really smell like boo-boo"

i mean good job.... on the drawing

Anonymous said...

smells like moses???

who's Moses?

-jinz- said...

haha....nice drawing and a very sweet thing to do...

.:+ ChaoYing +:. said...



thanks guys.. c=

hee hee..

yeah.. it kinda stinks...